Friday, July 6, 2007

Taste of Chicago

This Fourth of July we continued our 20 year tradition and made our annual pilgrimage to the Taste of Chicago in Chicago's beautiful Grant Park. I never get tired of the food, the people, the lake, the music, the street performers, etc. We weren't feeling very adventurous this year though. In the past we have tried different foods such as Binyon's Turtle Soup, Alligator on a stick, beer battered artichoke hearts and deep fried ravioli. This year, although there were over 60 vendors, there weren't many different choices for your "taste portion" which was 3 tickets ($2.00) Most items were 7-10 tickets, which can get to be expensive pretty quickly. My favorites were the hummus shirazi(hummus with pita and cucumber salad), sweet potato salad and chocolate ganache with strawberries, yum!! Maria's favorite was a hot dog. Not even a Chicago-Style dog, just a plain ol' hot dog....and a slice of watermelon, how much more American can you get than that! Andy's annual standby is the boneless rib sandwich from Fireplace Inn and a rainbow cone from, you guessed it, The Original Rainbow Cone and Cali enjoyed the turtle cheesecake and mango-cranberry rice pudding. In addition to all the food, Cali and Maria got to sit back and relax with some celebrities this year:

Although Angela wasn't able to be with us this year(she's at Ionian Village, check back a couple of posts for the full story :) Arty and "Baby Soto" were able to join us. Poor Art, we never give him a heads up that we're heading to the city, we just call him up when we're on LSD (Lake Shore Drive, for you non-Chicagoans.) Poor guy always jumps out of bed and races down to meet us wherever we are! Thanks Art, we love you for doing that! And we are always so happy to have Soto join us too! He's more than a cousin, more like another brother to us, and my girls just love him too! Oh, by the way, did you know Baby Soto has a girlfriend...heehee!!! Love you cuz, you know I had to throw that in there!

Well, after all that eating we had to leave and head over for BBQ and fireworks at the Karnavas'
It was quite a food fest all day! Until next year.....


Art said...

Hey Sis, I love the posts. Keep 'em coming!

GeorgiePorgie said...

Hey, I'm jealous! I coulda been wit youse, I coulda been somebody. See you in Florida.

Cheryl Prater said...

I remember the original Chicagofest -- we took Grandma Lena and Aunt Mary. The Sylvers were playing there - remember Boogie Fever? Anyway this big dude was in front of us dancing on his seat and we couldn't see. Lena and Mary were yelling "Down in front." They finally resorted to chucking corn cobs at him. I think we had to leave after that.